Monday, March 10, 2008

PRU 12 : Wait and See


[1] In the mood for the PRU 12

(Saya tak pandai sangat nak menulis lebih2x lagi tentang PRU 12 ni secara serius dan berfakta.But,since saya terjumpa satu tulisan yang agak tepat untuk melahirkan rasa hati saya,saya tampal sajalah terus disini.Tak payah susah2x nak susun ayat sendiri kan.This person betul2x menulis apa yang bermain-main difikiran saya.What a coincidence! :P)

But past midnight, when I was left on my own - reality set in and I was quivering with fear and anxiety. Not fearing that Malaysia will be any worse, but fearing that we may take too long to make an impact. The reality of having four significant states to be governed by "The opposition" is quite scary.

What if???

Having four states changing leadership from BN to BA says a lot about peoples' wishes to see change in leadership. Perak, Selangor, Kedah and Penang are four major states.
I wait with abated breath - how the coalition of PAS/PKR/DAP will jointly run these states. Can they take this marriage of convenience one step further into a marriage of substance?
The Rakyat will not give another chance - so I really hope the BA coalition delivers what they have promised - Making the states under their rule - a BETTERPLACE !
The eyes, locally and internationally, are on BA now.

There is no room for learning curve here.So, please be united in your board-room before you come out to the public. We the rakyat do not wish to see any 'marital' squabbles.

The loss of 2/3 majority for the Federal Government in itself will not do any good to the people of Malaysia. What will make difference is to see the more than 1/3 MPs in parliaments influencing better accountability and transparency, fair play and improved prosperity.
It is still incumbent upon the BA especially Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim to deliver what he has promised during the election - regardless that the BA has not won outright.

The people has every right to still expect an adjustment in Petrol price, a revision in Education fees, and an overall improvement to the quality of Malaysian lives. To say that the BA has no power to make any difference because the government is still with the BN - will appear nothing more than excuses. The people has voted BA in - more than you have wished for - now it is your turn to do your part.

[2]In the mood for a holiday

Kami berdua(me and my lovely princess only) akan naik bas selasa nanti untuk balik kampung.En.H kan bekerja.Tak mahu merugikan cutinya(mcm tahun lepas tu kan :P),tak mahu memenatkannya sebab menghantar kami ke kampung,juga saya sudah yakin dengan kematangan our lovely nurnathifa untuk berada dalam bas lebih kurang 3 jam dengan behavenya.InsyaALLAH.(lagipun dah lama betul tak naik bas ekspress!!!)

[3]In the mood for LOVE

Dari satu blog ke satu blog,saya bertuah menjumpai sebuah blog yang telah mengejutkan saya dari lena yang panjang.Tentang nilai kasih sayang terhadap orang-orang disekeliling saya,tentang kesyukuran dan penghargaan terhadap apa yang saya miliki,tentang ketabahan seorang wanita dan tentang Qada' dan QadarNYA.

Saya menitiskan air mata tatkala membaca setiap tulisannya.Betapa tabahnya dia.

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