Monday, January 15, 2007

Not in the mood


Really,I'm not in the mood of writing.Nathifa keep continuing crying...huh!what a day today.Ya ALLAH,please make me be more patient.Did not blame her,she's not even 2 years old but...(there always but..alwaysss),she need to learn about patient too.Not everything she want she can always have it.It is not good,bad actually.I have seen so many example where their kids will cry when they didn't get what they ask for.Mostly at public.And the parent will follow because of shame.This attitude that I am struggling to get rid off her.It's not about being pampered..its about attitude.And as parent we can or should I say have too shape that attitude because at the end of the day we are the one who'll get the impact too.Now,the question is how?How am I going to teach my little baby the good attitude to shape her behavior towards others and herself too?
Hem...I guess this is where the parenting skills issue arise.Add to this is what else if it's not pray.Now pray ibu for your baby and try your best.

Ya Allah ya Tuhan ku,
Aku menghulurkan kedua tanganku yang hina ini,
memohon Engkau limpahkan rahmat dan hidayahMu.
Terasa terlalu lemah diri ini tanpa pertolonganMu ya Allah.

Ya Allah
Segala pujian bagiMu Tuhan Sekelian Alam.
Yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Mengasihani.
Tuhan Pemerintah hari pembalasan.
Hanya Engkaulah yang kami sembah dan kepadaMU kami memohon pertolongan

Ya Allah
Engkau jadikanlah anakku NUR NATHIFA HUMAIRAH dari orang-orang yang solehah
yang mendoakan keampunanku daripadaMu ya Allah
jadikanlah dia sebagai anak kunci ku ke pintu syurga ya Allah
dan jangan Engkau jadikan dia anak kunci ku ke nerakaMu
Teguhkanlah imannya ya Allah
Sihatkanlah tubuh badannya
Ya Allah, elokkanlah perangai dan akhlaknya
dan jauhilah dia dari siksaMu ya Allah.

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