Tuesday, January 30, 2007

the Italian Job


Oo..oh that movie is soo best that ibu really don't remember how many times did ibu watched it.Yup both of us did watched it last night for the *"^?&%& times.

the irony is that ayah loves to watched the very ganaz2x and violent movie type and ibu like cartoon instead.Hemm...what a different haaa...

But,(ibu had always have but kan) when it comes to these Italian job,both of us could not resist.It's one of the movie(another is gone in 60 second,and the american football story,Remember the Titans..still can humm the theme song) that could keep both of us together staring at the screen.And ohh that little girl last night screamed like the tiger because no one she can played with(usually ayah will entertain her before she went to sleep,now that ayah and ibu dah termanguk watched movie,faham2x ajelah).

That the only tv we had was broke 2 weeks ago.Hahahaha...its the reason why we sort of had to watched movie.Ibu and nathifa had to listen to that only radio we had(jgnlah rosak jugak)from morning till the other morning.But,its kind of good experiment to us if lets say we were out for camping(pandai2xlah buat alasan kan).
Ayah please hurry,bring that tv back ok.

ermm..since ibu listen to the radio like 20 hours,unless ayah make it off,then ibu like this beautiful song by alleycats title "senyumlah kembali".Dedicated to ayah specially and also to all readers which had to go through the hard time.

Ceritakan padaku
Apa sebenarnya yang berlaku
Pada diri mu
Ceritakan pada ku
Jangan sekali kau tunduk membisu

Suarakanlah kepada ku
Yang terpendam dalam hati mu
Tak sanggup ku melihat
Kau bersedih hiba meratap
Didalam kau berduka
Aku turut sama merasa
Kerana sesungguhnya
Aku sayang kepada mu

Senyumlah kembali senyumlah dengan seri
Seperti hari-hari riang mu yang dahulu
Dan setiap kesusahan bukan sekali bererti
Berakhirnya mimpi-mimpi

Dan senyumlah kembali untuk melangkah lagi
Senyumlah sesungguhnya aku kan menemani
Biar apa sekali pun dugaan datang menguji
Kau tidakkan bersendiri

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