Monday, March 12, 2007

interactive column


It's been a while since my last entry published.Seemingly I am not into writing these days.Reading,observing,learning and educating myself is probably a wiser choice in fulfilling the emptiness of idea.Having said that,for the purpose of learning a lesson,this is what I would like to share with all.Its the best answer for the big question "WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST FINANCIAL REGRET?" from the not so public's favorite magazine "Personal Money".(did I said not a favorite one? :) ).Not from me,it's someone else lesson that win the heart of the judge and had won something for his regret.(am i so hardworking that i should type it all here(since it doesn't have the softcopy) just for the sake of other people satisfaction?The answer is yes.And with the hope it'll give a lesson to us too.

I am in mid-30s and have only just started planning my finances.I should have started 10 years ago when I first began working:having a small income should not be an excuse not to plan.The only concept I practiced was prudent management - taking on small loan,driving a second hand car and leading a moderate lifestyle.But it's never too late.Now as I spend a few hours each month assessing and planning my financial matters,I certainly have better control over them which make me feel more secure.Thus plan.Its never too early,too late or too little.

Learning financial management is so crucial as it would guide us to have a secure feeling toward the money or property that we own.Nowadays,the topic is not only arise among the so called with-salary-people but it came down to us the housewives too.Thus,go for the financial knowledge and be a knowledgeable person.

"jump into the ship before it sank,but don't sank with the ship and make yourself drowned"

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