Tuesday, December 26, 2006



yesterday ibu asked ayah out for some flowers shopping.Had bought 6 flower pots and 6 flowers of different type.Ibu thought it'll be easy to chose those flower but it end up nearly 1 hour and it's really hot yesterday!.Thanks for ayah's patient although ibu guess ayah quiet mad cause ibu took soo long to chose those flowers.Sorry ye ayah.There're too many to chose and ibu get crazy a while with the beautifulness of the flower.Nathifa?She's got crazy too...ran to south..down to north....touch that flower,this flower....showed us a verry happy face.....love her so much!

What flowers did ibu bought?Ibu pun tak tau..ibu knows the flower's name only 2 from the rest which are bunga kekwa putih and bunga tahi ayam(ibu suka sbb senang nak jaga).The other 4 ibu need to surf about them....bila la tu yek..

And today,ibu loves to peep outside the door to see all the colorful flowers and the greenness of ibu's small lawn.Thanks to ayah for the spending... :).

Friday, December 22, 2006

Talking about $$$ :: chapter II


shop on full stomach!!

what??Can we all do that?I myself always had in my mind that after shopping is meals time...yum..yum...pizza hut?kfc?mcd?chicken rice?hahahaha...
But azizi ali said that...yup,shopping with your stomach full so that you'll saving money on this foods issue.Save a lot rite???admit je laaa.... :).
Good Luck!!!

::psssttt...ayah surely happy with these kan?kan?kan?::

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

cakap-cakap dengan adik


Dah nak masuk 4 hari adik-adikku yang tercinta ada di sini.Saja bring them here time cuti sekolah ni.Sorang form 4,sorang lg form 2.Terpanggil untuk menulis sikit tentang kisah yang dikhabarkan oleh adik yang form 4 ni.Ceritanya pendek aje tapi rasa-rasanya bolehlah dijadikan panduan serba sedikit untuk suami-suami diluar sana.Yelah manusia ni kadang-kadang terlupa sejenak akan tanggungjawabnya,kadang-kadang tak pernah tahu atau belajar tentangnya.Saya pendekkan ajelah kisahnye menjadi dialog.Menarik sikit.

saya :
kita ni hidayah(adik yang form 4) perempuan, sikit2x pun kenelah tau memasak jugak.(sambil menyumbat sambal kelapa di belakang ikan cencaru...baru 1st time try lps call ibu tanye camne nak buat).Lagipun air tangan kita ni kalau tak byk pun,dptla jugak menambat hati suami.Kalau asyik beli je food kat luar,kadang-kadang boring jugak.

adik form 4 :
dayah tau,tapikan ustad dayah kat sekolah tu cakap memasak ni bukan tanggungjawab isteri.Lelaki sebenarnye kene masak.isteri jaga anak jekkkk.

saya :
(tersenyum lebar,nak tergelak pun ade.Tak tau apa nak jawab sebab pernah jugak saya terbaca dan belajar tentang ni.Tapi atas tolak ansurlah isteri lakukan semua kerja rumah tu,ni bg diri sayalah.Last2x saya tanya adik balik)

saya :
apa lagi yang ustad tu kata?

adik form 4 :
ustad dayah cakap tu jek,tapi ustad tu selalu tanya kat kelas resepi2x ke lauk2x ke yang mak kat rumah biasa masak.Tiap-tiap hari tanye.

saya :
apasal?ustad tu masak ke?

adik form 4 :
yelah kak long(panggilan sayalah).Ustad tu mmg masak kat rumah.Dia tak bg isteri dia masak.isteri dia jaga anak jek.Ari tuh dayah datang rumah dia,dia tengah sibuk masak kat dapur.isteri dia jaga anak ngan layan kitaorg.

saya :
ye ke????(tak cayalah pulak kan ada lelaki kat luar sana yang memang betul bertanggungjawab dlm bab memasak ni)

adik form 4 :
yelah,kak long ni tak caye plak.Ustad tu slalu dlm kelas ckp "balik ni nak masak apelah pulak hari ni....".

saya :
waaaaaaaa...baiknye ustad tu.
(rasa macam tak caye lagik ni,hehehe...anyway sampai situ jek dialog.then sibuk bakar ikan cencaru tu pulak.Ayah kata sedapppp..hehehe..boleh buat lagiklaaa)

Agak-agak ada tak suami-suami di luar sana yang tersenyum membaca dialog ni??? :)

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Romantic time !!!


terasa nak jiwang sikit kali ni.....untuk suami tersayang,

Masa telah bertanya setebal mana cinta kita
dan diri ini tanpa sangsi kasih menyeri
dan bersemi

Setiap kali mataku tercelik pasti ku bersyukur
Wajahmu menghias duniaku
Terlimpah rasa bahagia
indahnya ku rasa kerna

Di hatimu tempat tinggalku
Tempat ku mengadu kegirangan hidup
Di hatimu tempat ku berteduh
Tak mahu ku berada jauh
dari hatimu

makin kau ku kenali makin lebih
kau ku sayangi
ku terlihat gambaranku di mata
nikmat cinta di mayapada
tenteram..damai ku rasa

Sebelum dipisahkan takdir
mungkin riang kan bergilir dugaan
Namun ku tak bisa disesat leka kerana

Wednesday, December 13, 2006



When I watched Jejak Rasul series on tv last week,I received these new thing to me about our beloved Prophet Muhammad s.a.w .It's really the first time to me that I heard about prophet's other nickname as "Az-zabihin or is it As-Sabihin" correct me if i'm wrong,which means "the son of the two sacrifices".So,I try to search about it and this is what I've got.The generation starts from Prophet Ibrahim.Hope for those who never heard or know about it before,now you know...Happy reading....

"It was to this incident that the Prophet referred when he said: "I am the son of the two sacrifices." He meant the sacrifices of Isma'iI and 'Abdullah."

Prophet Ibrahim

Setelah Nabi Ibrahim Al-Khalil a.s berpindah dari negeri kaumnya, beliau memohon kepada Allah s.w.t supaya dikurniakan seorang anak yang soleh, lalu Allah s.w.t mengembirakannya dengan mengurniakan seorang anak yang cantik iaitu Nabi Ismail a.s yang dilahirkan ketika Nabi Ibrahim a.s berumur 86 tahun. Setelah Nabi Ismail a.s meningkat dewasa, Nabi Ibrahim a.s telah bermimpi menyembelih anaknya, dimana telah ditetapkan bahawa mimpi para Nabi adalah Wahyu. Ini merupakan ujian yang besar daripada Allah s.w.t terhadap Nabi Ibrahim.

Prophet Isma'il

Dalam keadaan bingung dan sedih hati, kerana gagal dalam usahanya menyembelih puteranya, datanglah kepada Nabi Ibrahim wahyu Allah dengan firmannya: "Wahai Ibrahim! Engkau telah berhasil melaksanakan mimpimu, demikianlah kami akan membalas orang-orang yang berbuat kebajikkan". Kemudian sebagai tebusan ganti nyawa, Ismail telah diselamatkan itu, Allah memerintahkan Nabi Ibrahim menyembelih seekor kambing yang telah tersedia di sampingnya dan segera dipotong leher kambing itu oleh beliau dengan parang yang tumpul di leher puteranya Ismail itu. Dan inilah asal permulaan sunnah berqurban yang dilakukan oleh umat Islam pada tiap Hari Raya Aidiladha di seluruh pelosok dunia.

(Isma'il married in the same tribe. He begot twelve sons,and then the generation goes which arose some names with their own history likes Qidar,Fahr,Qusayi and Hashim.


he married Salma daughter of 'Amr (from the tribe of 'Adi Bani Najjar) of Yathrib.had five sons: 'Abdul-Muttalib, Asad, Nadhlah, Saifi and Abu Saifi).


Abdul-Muttalib married to Fatimah, daughter of 'Amr ibn `Aidh ibn 'Amr ibn Makhzum.
When, at the discovery of Zamzam, 'Abdul-Muttalib encountered the enmity of Quraish, he was quite worried because he had only one son to help him. He, therefore, prayed to Allah, making a nadhr (vow) that if Allah gave him ten sons to help him against his enemies, he would sacrifice one of them to please Allah. His prayer was granted.

When ten sons were born, 'Abdul-Muttalib decided to sacrifice one of them according to his nadhr. Lot was cast and 'Abdullah's name came out. 'Abdullah was the dearest to him, but he did not flinch from the decision of the fate. He took 'Abdullah's hands and started towards the place where sacrifices were offered. His daughters started crying and begged him to sacrifice ten camels in place of 'Abdullah. At first 'Abdul-Muttalib refused. But when the pressure of the whole family (and in fact, the whole tribe) mounted, he agreed to cast lot between 'Abdullah and ten camels. Again the name of 'Abdullah came out. On the suggestion of the people, the number of the camels was increased to twenty, again, the same result. Repeatedly, the number was increased to thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty and ninety. But the result was always the same. At last the lot was cast between 100 camels and 'Abdullah. Now the lot came out for the camels. The family was jubilant, but 'Abdul Muttalib was not satisfied. He said: "Ten times the name of 'Abdullah has come out. It is not fair to ignore those lots just for one lot." Three times more, he repeated the lot between Abdullah and 100 camels, and every time the lot came out for the camels. Then he sacrificed the camels and the life of 'Abdullah was saved.


A year before "the year of the elephant," 'Abdullah was married to Aminah daughter of Wahb ibn 'Abd Munaf ibn Zuhrah ibn Kilab.and gave birth to our prophet saw. The Prophet (s.a.w.a.) is born.

Prophet Muhammad s.a.w

Muhammad s.a.w telah diputerakan di Mekah, Arab Saudi pada hari Isnin, 12 Rabiulawal (2 Ogos 570M). Ibunya, Aminah, adalah anak perempuan kepada Wahb bin Abdul Manaf dari keluarga Zahrah. Ayahnya, Abdullah, ialah anak kepada Abdul Muthalib. Keturunannya bersusur galur dari Ismail, anak kepada Ibrahim kira-kira dalam keturunan keempat puluh.

Friday, December 8, 2006

Talking about $$$ :: chapter I


Millionaires are from a different Planet!

I'm not really good about financing,definitely not in account.Last night while arranging things on the rack,I noticed this book and suddenly felt overwhelmed by the title.I flipped through 3-4 pages and hemmm why not!!(add some knowledge now hanis!!).As ayah was doing fine with all the bills,credit card and other expense, i feel easy,more or less taking the situation for granted.No one will educate you about managing you finance right?.Well with the correct words " Financial freedom ".You have to learn it by yourself,you have to find the correct source to ask and most important you have to have the desire about it.The desire to be debts free and at the same time being wealthy.I will not quote all the points inside this books here,could be boring nanti but will note down some good point in it,sort of assumption to each chapter.Hope it will help us to be more concerned about this.InsyaALLAH.


- Does these make you think about something????????

Thursday, December 7, 2006



I've got this from my email,it's an advice..a very good advice to us..as muslim.Notes that i've add my own comments for every details..you can ignore about that.

Budayakan dalam diri rasa takut kepada Allah swt di mana saja kita berada dan dalam apa jua suasana, samada orang nampak atau tidak. Ini akan meransang kita buat kebaikan dan takut untuk membuat kejahatan e.g. mencuri, rasuah dsbnya.
- i should trying harder now and not take for granted.

Mengawal diri dalam keadaan marah, dan berlaku adil. Jaga pertuturan supaya tidak terlanjur kata yang boleh buat kita menyesal.
- always worried what other people might feel with my words.(if someone had hurt before because of my words,speak,talk, please-please forgive me,i'm so sorry)

Mengawal diri ketika berbelanja semasa kita senang atau seadanya. Budayakan sifat berjimat cermat, tetapi jangan pula sampai jadi bakhil untuk perbelanjaan keluarga atau bersedekah.
- Hemmm,this is really hardlah but i'm trying not to over budget,ok ye ayah..love you

Hendaklah kita menyambung hubungan silaturrahim dengan jiran dan semua orang, walaupun dengan orang yang berkelahi dengan kita.
- I guess so far so good(had one neighbour that same age,same status of full housewife but she's already have 2 kids and me??still one..InsyaALLAH sooner or later kalau ada rezki)

Hendaklah kita memberi kepada semua orang, termasuk orang yang kurang baik dengan kita.
- not everyday but kalau ada rezki lebih..insyaALLAH

Hendaklah kita mudah memberi kema'afan kepada orang, walaupun orang itu menzalimi kita. Jangan bersifat dendam.
- The urge to “get even” by hurting anyone else is there but forgiveness always is your unilateral decision to let go of that hurt.

Hendaklah diam berisi, diam berfikir mencari bahan-bahan untuk membina kehidupan dekat dengan Allah swt dan manusia.
- Need to buy more
Educative and Religious books,surfing more to add knowledge
:: The less you talk, the more you're listened to. — Abigail Van Buren ::

Hendaklah bercakap mempunyai bahan/unsur untuk mengingati sesama manusia, tidak perkara yang sia-sia.
- means less gossip OK

Berdoa jadikanlah pandangan kita membawa keinsafan, peringatan sebagai pengajaran kepada kita.
- The Qur'an often reminds us to keep remembrance of Allah at all times. Certainly this is quite a challenge for us forgetful humans, but the merits of remembrance are so great that we must strive for continual remembrance of Allah in every moment.Pray..pray..pray...InsyaALLAH

What cross in my mind today?


[1]Want to thanks ayah for :

# special treat @ secrects recepies on ibu's birthday.(That was sooo romantic)!
# special present that cannot be revealed here..:)(Do not try wild guess OK!!)
# special new hp replacing the old one which was broken,'silent forever'.why?That little girl named nur nathifa had act as the thrower like 5 times and no need to continue rite..you know what will happen next.
# never stop falling in love with me....

[2]Want to replace the kitchen curtain,why?

# so dirty
# so dull
# so short(this is the main reasonlaa cause it looks funny sometimes)

what pattern should i choose????think..think..think...

[3]Want to cook nasi ayam today!!!yeyey...go..go..go hanis...

Wednesday, December 6, 2006

The Ruggers are back !!! yihaaa

Fact about the picture :: 'a scrummage or scrum is a way of restarting the game, either after an accidental infringement or when the ball has gone out of play'.

Its in the news!

SMSOB dan EXSAS Eagles ke Perlawanan Akhir Kejuaraan Ragbi (Perisai Perdana) 2006

""EXSAS Eagles yang dibarisi bekas pelajar-pelajar SMS Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah, Kuantan mencipta kejutan apabila menumpaskan juara bertahan HSKOBA Ostrich 22-12 di dalam separuh akhir Kejuaraan Ragbi (Perisai Perdana) Liga Alumni 2006 di Padang Utara hari Ahad 3hb Disember 2006 lalu.""


They are back!!!what a marvellous achievement that they've got in that game.This was their first entry for that cup and yet they had won and qualified to the finals.Whooaa...what a game...me? so proud to be semsasian...not to left 96 batch.I say they will win for this coming game...and guys lets pray for the success of EXSAS Eagles!!!


The best part in rugby for me is when the player had to run for their life(am i exaggerating??hehehe) to ground the ball in the scoring area and results in a 'try', which worth five points. and then they got the chance to kick the ball through the goal posts and over the crossbar and worth another two points....a very interesting game haa...surprise ibu knows a bit about it??hahaha..did ibu said ibu likes rugby game from secondary school lagik...Ibu didn't really remember when but once ibu had a chance to watched rugby game in Malaysia 7's cup at kelana jaya stadium.Got the chance to watched the fiji's action( fiji always ibu's favourite team..jgn jeles ) and they were really good at 'try' part.The way they run while carrying the ball and at the same time try not to bumped or catched by the opponent was soooooo stunning and chilling and exciting me...OK..that's enough...i'm really-really get into the game now!!!...hohohoho....calm down..calm down hanis...just wait this saturdaylaaa...hope the weather will be ok.


ps:ayah...we had nothing important this saturday rite??Got the spirit of the eagles already...come on semsas fight..fight..fight... :)

Tuesday, December 5, 2006



Recently ibu can't resist to stay put in front of the tv at 7.00pm channel 18.The reason?
See the picture above?hohoho...its the korean drama season back!!
Ibu love the way jang nara act...funny but romantic juga...still remember one of her drama My Love PatzziThis drama had taken ibu hearts out OK....2 thumbs up..not to forget all those down to earth male casts in the drama..sooooo romantic and bests..
Back to these recent drama,Wedding is one of those rare stories that provide a glimpse into the “lived-happily-ever-after” life of a newlywed couple.However almost from the word go, things do not go smoothly for the newlyweds. "Bak kata orang hidup tak seindah yang diangankan"....does anyone agree with me??hehehe...
But,its the way you treat your wonderful life after married is important...with Iman,brain and heart given by ALLAH...InsyaALLAH everything will turn up fine at the end of the day.OK enough babbling about that.
After all,life after wedding is soooooo mystery and exciting to me.....

Monday, December 4, 2006

the raihans' lyrics


When you are at the top remember this....

"Bila dipuji kejayaan kita
Sebenarnya bukan milik kita
Oleh itu sedarlah sentiasa
Semuanya dari Allah"

When you are in the middle of happiness remember this....

"Hati gembira terasa bahagia
Itulah tanda nimat dariNya
Ingatlah Allah bersyukur padaNya
Ucapkanlah Alhamdulillah..."

When you are in the middle of saddness remember this....

"Ketika hati sedih dan pilu
Kerana ujian melanda
Ingatlah ia sementara
Ucapkanlah Innalillah"

and...... "Let your tongue always be moist with the rememberance of Allah." InsyaALLAH

Sunday, December 3, 2006

always remember



Hai anakku: ketahuilah, sesungguhnya dunia ini bagaikan lautan yg dalam, banyak manusia yg karam ke dalamnya. Bila engkau ingin selamat, agar jangan karam, layarilah lautan itu dengan SAMPAN yg bernama TAKWA,ISInya ialah IMAN dan LAYARnya adalah TAWAKKAL kepada ALLAH.


orang - orang yg sentiasa menyediakan dirinya utk menerima nasihat,maka dirinya akan mendapat penjagaan dari ALLAH. Orang yg insaf dan sedar setalah menerima nasihat orang lain, dia akan sentiasa menerima kemulian dari ALLAH juga.


Hai anakku; orang yg merasa dirinya hina dan rendah diri dalam beribadat dan taat kpd ALLAH, maka dia tawadduk kepada ALLAH, dia akan lebih dekat kepada ALLAH dan selalu berusaha menghindarkan maksiat kepada ALLAH.


Hai anakku; seandainya ibubapamu marah kepadamu kerana kesilapan yang dilakukanmu, maka marahnya ibubapamu adalah bagaikan baja bagi tanam tanaman.


Jauhkan dirimu dari berhutang, kerana sesungguhnya berhutang itu boleh menjadikan dirimu hina di waktu siang dan gelisah di waktu malam.


Dan selalulah berharap kpd ALLAH tentang sesuatu yg menyebabkan untuk tidak menderhakai ALLAH. Takutlah kpd ALLAH dengan sebenar benar takut ( takwa ), tentulah engkau akan terlepas dr sifat berputus asa dari rahmat ALLAH.


Hai anakku; seorang pendusta akan lekas hilang air mukanya kerana tidak dipercayai orang dan seorang yg telah rosak akhlaknya akan sentiasa banyak melamunkan hal hal yg tidak benar. Ketahuilah, memindahkan batu besar dr tempatnya semula itu lebih mudah drpd memberi pengertian kpd orang yg tidak mahu mengerti.


Hai anakku; engkau telah merasakan betapa beratnya mengankat batu besar dan besi yg amat berat, tetapi akan lebih lagi drpd semua itu,adalah bilamana engkau mempunyai tetangga (jiran) yg jahat.


Hai anakku; janganlah engkau mengirimkan orang yg bodoh sebagai utusan. Maka bila tidak ada orang yang cerdik, sebaiknya dirimulah saja yang layak menjadi utusan.


Jauhilah bersifat dusta, sebab dusta itu mudah dilakukan, bagaikan memakan daging burung, padahal sedikit sahaja berdusta itu telah memberikan akibat yg berbahaya.


Hai anakku; bila engkau mempunyai dua pilihan, takziah orang mati atau hadir majlis perkahwinan, pilihlah utk menziarahi orang mati, sebab ianya akan mengingatkanmu kepada kampung akhirat sedangkan menghadiri pesta perkahwinan hanya mengingatkan dirimu kepada kesenangan duniawi sahaja.


janganlah engkau makan sampai kenyang yg berlebihan, kerana sesungguhnya makan yg terlalu kenyang itu adalah lebih baiknya bila makanan itu diberikan kpd anjing sahaja.


Hai anakku; janganlah engkau langsung menelan sahaja kerana manisnya barang dan janganlah langsung memuntahkan saja pahitnya sesuatu barang itu, kerana manis belum tentu menimbulkan kesegaran dan pahit itu belum tentu menimbulkan kesengsaraan.


Makanlah makananmu bersama sama dengan orang orang yg takwa dan musyawarahlah urusanmu dengan para alim ulamak dengan cara meminta nasihat dari mereka.


Hai anakku; bukanlah satu kebaikan namanya bilamana engkau selalu mencari ilmu tetapi engkau tidak pernah mengamalkannya. Hal itu tidak ubah bagaikan orang yg mencari kayu bakar, maka setelah banyak ia tidak mampu memikulnya, padahal ia masih mahu menambahkannya.


Hai anakku; bilamana engkau mahu mencari kawan sejati, maka ujilahterlebih dahulu dengan berpura pura membuat dia marah. Bilamana dalam kemarahan itu dia masih berusaha menginsafkan kamu,maka bolehlah engkau mengambil dia sebagai kawan. Bila tidak demikian, maka berhati-hatilah.


selalulah baik tuturkata dan halus budibahasamu serta manis wajahmu, dengan demikian engkau akan disukai orang melebihi sukanya seseorang terhadap orang lain yg pernah memberikan barang yg berharga.


Hai anakku; bila engkau berteman, tempatkanlah dirimu padanyasebagai orang yg tidak mengharapkan sesuatu daripadanya. Namun biarkanlah dia yg mengharapkan sesuatu darimu.


Jadikanlah dirimu dalam segala tingkahlaku sebagai orang yg tidak ingin menerima pujian atau mengharap sanjungan orang lain kerana itu adalah sifat riya' yg akan mendatangkan cela pd dirimu.


Hai anakku; janganlah engkau condong kpd urusan dunia dan hatimu selalu disusahkan olah dunia saja kerana engkau diciptakan ALLAH bukanlah untuk dunia sahaja. Sesungguhnya tiada makhluk yang lebih hina daripada orang yang terpedaya dengan dunianya.


Hai anakku; usahakanlah agar mulutmu jangan mengeluarkan kata-kata yg busuk dan kotor serta kasar, kerana engkau akan lebih selamat bila berdiam diri. Kalau berbicara, usahakanlah agar bicaramu mendatangkan manfaat bagi orang lain.


Hai anakku; janganlah engkau mudah ketawa kalau bukan kerana sesuatu yg menggelikan, janganlah engkau berjalan tanpa tujuan yg pasti, janganlah engkau bertanya sesuatun yang tidak ada guna bagimu, janganlah mensia-siakan hartamu.


Barang sesiapa yg penyayang tentu akan disayangi, sesiapa yg pendiam akan selamat daripada berkata yg mengandungi racun, dan sesiapa yg tidak dapat menahan lidahnya dr berkata kotor tentu akan menyesal.


Hai anakku; bergaullah rapat dengan orang yg alim lagi berilmu. Perhatikanlah kata nasihatnya kerana sesungguhnya sejuklah hati ini mendengarkan nasihatnya, hiduplah hati ini dengan cahaya hikmah dari mutiara kata katanya bagaikan tanah yg subur lalu disirami air hujan.


Hai anakku; ambillah harta dunia sekadar keperluanmu sahaja, dan nafkahkanlah yg selebihnya untuk bekalan akhiratmu. Jangan engkau tendang dunia ini ke keranjang atau bakul sampah kerana nanti engkau akan menjadi pengemis yang membuat beban orang lain.Sebaliknya janganlah engkau peluk dunia ini serta meneguk habis airnya kerana sesungguhnya yg engkau makan dan pakai itu adalah tanah belaka. Janganlah engkau bertemankan dengan orang yg bersifat talam dua muka, kelak akan membinasakan dirimu.

Friday, December 1, 2006



Thank you Allah and Alhamdulillah, my little baby had totally recover.She stop to puke,cirit-birit and her appetite looks a bit ok from last 3 days.yesterday she still puked twice and on ibu's carpet.Huh...what a hectic day..Todays everything back to normal..i hope..

I'm thinking about ringing somebody today,give her a surprise.It's been so long that I haven't talk to my girl friend specially those when we were in semsas.Just to say hi and gosip a bit..heheh..

Thursday, November 30, 2006

'Not Soo Spicy Sambal Prawn'


Yesterday ibu cooked 'not soo spicy sambal prawn' for ayah.The result?
read this "sedaplah ayang masak udang ni,pandai ayang masak,buat lagi nanti ek".
Still having a smiling face until now...heheheh...
But one thing that make me wonder about my sambal prawn ni,it's soooo simple that ibu tooks only about 15 minutes and done and yet its make my hubby stomach smile...Ibu notes down the recepi here but it's not really special okay..simple meals..hearty meals that quick and yum..yum..

'not soo spicy sambal prawn'


1.about 10-15 prawn..your choice big or small
(Peel the fresh prawns.Suggested that you left the tail,so the prawn not getting so
small when it cooked)
2.Grind 1 onion,3 garlic,3-4 pieces of dried chilli and a small cut of ginger into a fine paste
3.A bit of gula melaka,give a sweet taste
4.A bit of tamarind(asam jawalah tu)
5.you can add daun sup if you want (chopped it nicely)

How to do that?

1.fry the paste on oil until the paste is fragrant.
2.add prawn
3.dash a bit of salt,gula melaka and spoon of tamarind liquid to taste
4.fry for about 5 minutes till the prawn change to red.
5.ready to serve

Did I told you its sooo simple?Try it out.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Once a year...


My birthday is coming.Thank you ALLAH for giving me everything that I have now.
I'm turning into 28 next year.Still wondering and hoping to get something from ayah..there will be no cake or dining at hotel or 100s of roses like always but the thing is...
I'm very grateful.Like people said,the best present or gifts are those that can't be wrapped.My lovely husband,huzaimy.He rarely say those 3 beautiful words but consistantly shows them in small,everyday action.He doesn't haul me to a jewellery shop every month or buy it for every birthday but he always asked what I want to buy for myself.No,he don't know how to cook and rarely peek me in the kitchen but once he come he always tell that I'm always beautiful in his eyes and thats really precious moments for me.
My husband will remain unromantic person i guess even it's my once a year special day,but one thing that strikes me where there are other worse things in life like married to the one who celebrates that one specials day in your life but then neglects you for the other 364 days!!!

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Positif Thinking


Nathifa had puked last night and it was only lasts at 8 in the morning.She'd been puked once in hour..fuh...last night i couldn't close my eyes even for a hour...been very worried about her.Ayah??he'd drink a bottle of cough liquid i guess,he got batuk very badly like his lung going out already.Me?hem feel very tired today,nathifa continuing puked and plus cirit-birit.Hope it will end up normally tonight cause me myself can't hold on lagi,dah nak tumbang rasanya ni.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

De Opening Notes


Still thinking what am i going to write here hemm....I love to scribble down some notes & story about my little ones daily 'action' that making me nuts n could be some recepies to share among the readers(ada yang sudi?hehe)

ps: ayah/daddy/BH can also write ok..no harm..and no heart feeling too..love u..:)