Tuesday, December 26, 2006



yesterday ibu asked ayah out for some flowers shopping.Had bought 6 flower pots and 6 flowers of different type.Ibu thought it'll be easy to chose those flower but it end up nearly 1 hour and it's really hot yesterday!.Thanks for ayah's patient although ibu guess ayah quiet mad cause ibu took soo long to chose those flowers.Sorry ye ayah.There're too many to chose and ibu get crazy a while with the beautifulness of the flower.Nathifa?She's got crazy too...ran to south..down to north....touch that flower,this flower....showed us a verry happy face.....love her so much!

What flowers did ibu bought?Ibu pun tak tau..ibu knows the flower's name only 2 from the rest which are bunga kekwa putih and bunga tahi ayam(ibu suka sbb senang nak jaga).The other 4 ibu need to surf about them....bila la tu yek..

And today,ibu loves to peep outside the door to see all the colorful flowers and the greenness of ibu's small lawn.Thanks to ayah for the spending... :).

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